Virtual Tape Library Image
iTape v2104
Virtual Tape Drives
iTape v2104 Specifications

The iTape, four disk bay, virtual tape drives is designed to greatly reduce your backup window and increase your restore speeds, especially when compared to standard tape drives. Reduce the amount of disk storage you need for long term data retention and minimize the bandwidth required for site-to-site replication by virtualizing your tape backup.

By appearing as tape, you have 100% compatibility with any backup software that supports tape without any operational learning curve. This includes BackupExec, ARCserve, CommVault, Tivoli, DPM, native i5/OS backup commands, BRMS, Robot/SAVE, IPL and many more. There are no additional software/agents required.

Product Title iTAPE v2104 Series
Disk Drive Bays 4
Transfer Rate Up to 750 MB/s
Disk Types SATA / SAS / SSD
System Type 1U Rackmount
Raid Levels 0, 5, 6, 10
Network Interface Standard: Two 1 GbE ports, One SAS Host Port
Optional: Fiber Channel and SAS

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Multi-Platform Support
Backup And Restore
IBM System i,p, Legacy AS/400, Windows, Linux, Unix, HP-UX, Netware, MAC OSX.
Encrypt data on the VTL and on media.
Physical Tape Offload
Serverless offload to physical tape.
Highly efficient replication requires less bandwidth.
Scalable, easily expand SSD and/or SAS storage using expansion cabinet.
No dedupe hydration penalty means faster restores. Optional deduplication reduces backup space typically by 50:1 to 200:1.
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